Royal Air Force Museum Ticket Portal

D-Day 80 Tour

Explore the varied roles of the RAF during D-Day, from bombing to recognisance and logistics. See this story come to live in the Museum’s Hangars 3, 4, 5 among iconic aircraft such as the Avro Lancaster, the Handley Page Halifax and the de Havilland Mosquito. Delivered by our expert volunteer tours guides. 

Ticket options

  • D-Day Tour- Single
    D-Day Tour- Single
    0 30 max
D-Day 80 Tour

Explore the varied roles of the RAF during D-Day, from bombing to recognisance and logistics. See this story come to live in the Museum’s Hangars 3, 4, 5 among iconic aircraft such as the Avro Lancaster, the Handley Page Halifax and the de Havilland Mosquito. Delivered by our expert volunteer tours guides. 

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